Conference opencl benchmark
Conference opencl benchmark


Graphics Cards : : Radeon ROCm 2.0 OpenCL Benchmarks With Linux 5.0 On. Instead of utilizing the available benchmarks that are already presented in other publications ( Lee et al., 2015 Shen et al., 2013 Grewe and O'Boyle, 2011) for generally evaluating the OpenCL. Graphics Cards : : AMD Radeon VII Linux Benchmarks - Powerful Open-Source.

conference opencl benchmark

We study multiple OpenCL kernels per benchmark, ranging from direct ports of the original GPU implementations to loop-pipelined kernels specifically optimized for FPGAs. LuxMark runs but fails to produce a valid image with Mesa Clover from Mesa versions prior to 21. We evaluate the power and performance of the Rodinia benchmark suite using the Altera SDK for OpenCL targeting a Stratix V FPGA against a modern CPU and GPU. The benchmark can be ran using either the Mesa Clover OpenCL 1.1 implementation or the AMD ROCm OpenCL 2.0 driver.


Display Drivers : : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti OpenCL Benchmarks, 14-Way. LuxMark is a free open source OpenCL benchmark application used by AMD to promote their Radeon VII graphics cards. – We detect the aliased host and kernel variables via kernel arguments to enable traditional data flow analyses to be applied more precisely on WII-CFG. Benchmarking The Current Intel OpenCL NEO Driver.


This paper describes the implementation of an OpenCL MD benchmark code and discusses the results achieved on different types of computing hardware.

  • We introduce PPOpenCL, a source-to-source OpenCL compiler for improving performance portability: – We propose an approach to build a fused CFG for the host and kernel thread codes of an OpenCL program for a particular platform, WII-CFG (Work-Item Interleaving CFG), which makes explicit the platform-specific execution order for the operations in the work-items of the same workgroup. OpenCL as a platform-overarching standard provides the capabilities for such a benchmark.
  • It also shows which device was selected along with what devices where available to OpenCL.

    conference opencl benchmark

    The output file stencil.out contains detailed timing information about the run. Most OpenCL benchmarks provide multiple source code versions for a program optimized for different platforms, including, e.g., one for CPUs and one for GPUs Sips, A comprehensive performance comparison of CUDA and OpenCL, in Proceedings of the 2011 Inter- national Conference on Parallel Processing, ser. 103.stencil outputs a file containing the final cell values, with one line per cell in row-major order.Nowadays, heterogeneous architectures have been extensively adopted in a wide range of computer systems, ranging from mobile devices to supercomputers.

    Conference opencl benchmark